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How to generate more sales through your website

Picture of Aamir Qutub
Aamir Qutub

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Considering your website as an online brochure where you can display your products or services is an obsolete thinking. Now, a smart business understands the value of their website and realise the importance of using it as a strong channel.

But many of them still do not understand how to use their websites to generate leads, potentials and sales for their Business. They end up wasting their money with SEO and website design companies without any proper strategy or accurate goals.

Developing your website as a strong sales channel is not a piece of cake. It takes a series of well-planned strategies, tactics and actions that you can not learn by reading a/ by going through a single blog. It requires continuous learning and implementation of those learnings. But I will try to teach you some important basics here.

Doesn’t matter whether you are a retailer or a manufacturer or a consultant or a stockist or running a small or medium business. You do not have to be technically sound to do all these things. All you need is a basic understanding, so that when you hire a web or mobile application company you can analyse whether they would be able to fly up to your goals or not. Also, you do not need to hire a digital company for every digital need. If you are running a small business, you can do it by yourself. All you need is a willingness to learn and a passion to take your business to next level.

I am trying to give you few basic tips that will help you to take your website to next level and will help you to make it a ‘Lead Generating Machine’. You may have heard about few of the below-mentioned terms but this is the time to implement them and explore the benefits after you read this blog. So, here we go.

1) Define your Target Audience
Defining your audience is something very important before you start targeting them. As your sales executives or marketing executives target a specific audience who should be interested in your services, your website should also target the same audience. This means that your website’s content should match the mentality of your target audience, should clear them the benefits, capture the footprints and details of them and the website should communicate reasons to them to go for your services (Directly or Indirectly).

2) Have an understanding of website design
As Steve Jobs said ‘ Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. Do not be hungry only for ‘Beautiful’ or ‘Pretty’ website designs.These are the words that many web designing companies use while committing promises to you and without understanding a simple thing the word like ‘Beautiful’ or ‘pretty’ set the same standards for all. Something cannot be beautiful or pretty to everyone. Try to understand which design and which images will attract your target audience. I do not like the images of models in the website faking as professionals. In my opinion, it decreases your credibility. Use your own images. If you have a very small team or you do not have any team, then you can use some graphics or images of relevant objects.

3) Quality Content:
Do not try to brag too much about your business or services. Put the content that prompts your target audience to go for your services and generate interest and trust. Your content should give them some valid reasons to hire you. They should be able to understand what value you add to their life or business, why are you better than you competitors, why buying your services or product can be a good deal for them, who else can be benefited? From your services/product, how you are an expert in what you are doing.

4) Start Blogging
A blog is like an agent that appears before your target audience when they search for some help or information or solution to a problem. This is something extremely important to get potential customers to your site. I have realised that several small business owners do not publish blogs. Reasons can vary from lack of interest to lack of resources for not publishing blogs Well, in both cases you can’t help it, you need to publish the blogs if you are serious towards the growth of your business and you wish to increase your online reputation and website’s traffic.

If you do not have the resources, do not worry at all. You know best about the problems and solutions for your target audience. Start writing. You do not need to be a professional writer to write a blog. Even I am not a professional writer and I hope you find this blog worth reading.

Understand the pattern how other people are doing it, what topics they are writing about and how it would help their potential customers. Do not write your blog only for SEO purpose, your blog should always add value to someone’s life or business.

5) Use Call-to-Action
A call to action can be any line or graphic or link that push your visitors to take an action and takes you to the next step of your goal.

I feel bad for the businesses who are spending a lot of money in doing marketing activities to drive traffic to their website but the call-to-action from their website is missing and they just miss the boat when the visitors leave without taking any action. Use a proper call to action in your website.

6) Integrate Social Media
The problem with small businesses is that they hear about Social media a lot but many of them do not pay attention to it and those who pay attention, 80% of them do it incorrectly.

Create social profile like Linkedin, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, etc efficiently and consistently. You should also understand which social network is best to market your business. Make a good plan and document your goals and targets for each network. You can use 5-3-2 social media content rule by TA McCann. A basic goal can turn your social followers into your website visitors and visitors into Customers. Analyse every week how much traffic you are getting from each post or social media platform. Share your website’s blogs on these social networks. Allow user to share your blogs from website to their personal social accounts. Explore the tools to make your social media marketing activities easy and effective.

Well, there are a lot of details on this topic but I have tried to cover the very basic and important parts. Hope you find this information useful. To explore more, you can watch the following videos.

How to generate sales through your website by Aamir Qutub

Is your website generating sales for your business? by Aamir Qutub

Picture of Aamir Qutub
Aamir Qutub
Aamir Qutub is the founder and CEO of Enterprise Monkey, has a sincere passion for innovation and startups. With an experience of around a decade, he is a proud co-founder of 4 technology startups, focusing on real-world problems and their solutions. He also loves to cook and spend time with his onlyborn.
Picture of Aamir Qutub
Aamir Qutub
Aamir Qutub is the founder and CEO of Enterprise Monkey, has a sincere passion for innovation and startups. With an experience of around a decade, he is a proud co-founder of 4 technology startups, focusing on real-world problems and their solutions. He also loves to cook and spend time with his onlyborn.

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