For a web app to be successful, it must deliver value and a satisfactory user experience. This leads to customer engagement, positive recommendations and significant growth of your company. Here are ways you can create outstanding web apps that deliver value and user experience.

1. Research

  • Just because there are all types of apps, and every company is launching apps on the Android and iOS platform does not mean you must dive straight it.

  • Yes, an app is indispensable but before you develop one, spend time researching.

  • Research focuses on finding out the target audience and their preferences to come up with an app that fills the vacuum.

  • Research the way they would like the app to perform and design a user interface (top down, bottoms up) and deliver an unparalleled user experience if you wish to retain and grow clients.

2. Define objectives and purpose of the app

  • Explaining the purpose of the app is the starting point for development.

  • You might want to choose between developing an app on which ads ride piggyback or, better still, a useful app that enhances the value of your brand and gives users something worthwhile, or a mix of both.

  • You could also create an app that delivers a service for which customers will pay.

3. Agile development

  • Once you have a fairly good idea of what the app should be about proceeding with its development but in an agile way.

  • It is usual to launch beta versions, gather feedback and refine development to fix performance aligned with user expectations.

4. Design UI

  • If a web app is about delivering value and user experience then, obviously, the design of the UI takes precedence.
  • Good design is essential since it is the starting point to engagement and a smooth user interface is tied in with it if you wish to retain customers. Here again, you could have a flexible approach.

5. Relevance

  • The app you launch must have relevance to your business.
  • A home loan company could, for instance, launch an app that lets users calculate term, interest and other variables.

6. Compact focused mobile-friendly development

  • When you sit down to think of all that you could incorporate in an app, it is easy to go overboard. Instead of a portmanteau approach, focus on incorporating one main purpose into one app and making the code compact.
  • Your app load times will reduce, and users will like the way it zips along.
  • If you have other ideas, develop specific apps for each.

7. Beta testing & updates

  • Given how fast devices and operating systems are evolving, you would need to beta test, but the work does not end with fixing bugs.
  • As devices upgrade and operating systems are modified you would need to devote time and energy to updating your apps to ensure full functionality.

8. Promotions

Just deploying your app on Appstore or Playstore is not enough. Make plans for effective promotions, at least in the initial stages.