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Top 5 Reasons why visitors leave your website without any conversion

Picture of Aamir Qutub
Aamir Qutub

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You’ve invested in website development for your company to get a beautiful and stunning website which attracts users. You’ve also invested in SEO for your website. You hired an amazing content curator or outsource the work to a content creation company especially for business. Now you have a compelling copy of the content on your website. You bought incredible super polished images for your website. Your website looks highly professional, and you started getting traffic on it through all your marketing campaigns.

Did you notice that many of the visitors coming to your site leave your website within some time after their arrival? Did you try to figure out, why many of those visitors are not converting into leads and ultimately into customers?

At Enterprise Monkey, We hear about such issues every week. Getting people to your website and converting them into your customers is now an entirely different process. Getting conversion on your website and taking visitors to the next stage where they make a decision to buy your services/product is now a different mantra.

If you are facing the challenge to capture the conversion of your visitors, you need to check out the following mistakes that company usually do with their websites which result in reduced bounce rate and low conversion. There are many opportunities to make mistakes that cost conversions on your website.

1. Outdated Design

Psychologist Herbert Simon said, “ The proper study of mankind is the science of design”. You must have heard the common phrase that we judge the book by its cover. Unfortunately, it’s true in the case of a website. In her research, Dr. Elizabeth Silence found that 94% of the respondents to her survey found it uneasy to trust a website due to its design.

So if you have a website, which looks like it was developed a century ago due to it’s outdated and non-catchy design it’s the time to uplift your design.

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2. Slow Loading Speed

According to a survey conducted by a digital company Econsultancy, it was found that ‘47% of consumers expect a web page to load in two seconds or less’. It was also found by the same company that ‘40% of people will leave a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load’. Loading speed of a website matters a lot when it comes to the user experience. Slow loading speed frustrates the user and gives them a chance to leave your site.

3. Non-Responsive Website

A responsive website is a progressive website. There are more people surfing websites today than any other day. Creating a responsive website means it is accessible and usable by anyone; be it on mobile, be it on tablet or desktop, giving you a much greater ROI. Non-Responsive websites merely annoy the user which affects your conversion rate.

4. Unclear Navigation Structure

A poor navigation structure of your website not only results in bad user experience but it also affects your online visibility. When a user comes to your website, looking for specific information, he gets lost in a complicated mess of content due to poor navigation structure.

The best way to improve the navigation structure of your site is to imagine yourself as a customer of your business. Think yourself as a new visitor to your site and reflect on how would you expect the information on your to be organised.

5. Missing Call-to-Action

Research by Small Business Trends suggests that 80% of small B2B business websites lacked a call-to-action. Call to Action buttons are necessary for any website to keep the visitor engaged by asking him to perform a particular action that you desire. They not only improve the user experience but also maximise your conversions.

These tips were to enlighten your vision on increasing conversions through an effective website. A regularly updated website with smooth functionality is what acts as a customer magnet. These are not the only solution to an efficient website. Have something else in your mind? We would appreciate your comments. You can also check out what smartwebsite has in store for you.

Picture of Aamir Qutub
Aamir Qutub
Aamir Qutub is the founder and CEO of Enterprise Monkey, has a sincere passion for innovation and startups. With an experience of around a decade, he is a proud co-founder of 4 technology startups, focusing on real-world problems and their solutions. He also loves to cook and spend time with his onlyborn.
Picture of Aamir Qutub
Aamir Qutub
Aamir Qutub is the founder and CEO of Enterprise Monkey, has a sincere passion for innovation and startups. With an experience of around a decade, he is a proud co-founder of 4 technology startups, focusing on real-world problems and their solutions. He also loves to cook and spend time with his onlyborn.

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