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How an App can Become an Untapped Gold Mine for Event Management

Contribution of Mobile App in the Event Management

Picture of Aamir Qutub
Aamir Qutub

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Our life can be summed up as a chaotic foreplay of events, some on a microscale and some that are economically commercialised to let us present to the world, our gist of trade, pecuniary errands or jolly good moments to celebrate.

So regardless of our professional backgrounds, we are all bound to fall over the perpetually tangled overhead of an event organisation, say, an office party, an inauguration, or an award ceremony.

Here is how event industry is not just restricted to management but is very dependent on it:

Event IndustryBut in case you’re an event planner, there is so much more on your hands. The entire obligation of the event’s success is yours to take. You are responsible for every goodwill, and every mishap of the event. For the success of these events will give an instant gratification to your client’s social and economical needs.

Here is a snapshot some stats:

Event Stats


Talking about a few years back, there weren’t many software solutions or mobile apps designed for event planners, so we relied solely on Excel spreadsheets, Powerpoint presentations, and lots of Word documents to handle the events in an organised way. But things have changed a lot in a very short time. Today, we have a gamut of good apps at our disposal to simplify the complicated workflow.

I’d like to share some of the necessities of effective event management followed by a unified approach to get through them with an app.

While you’re wading through endless checklists and last-minute mishaps, it can be hard to make sure you’re on track. Don’t worry, this piece of writing will have you covered! I’ve put together a complete checklist of things that every event planner needs to stay afloat.

Here are some summed up in this snapshot:

Checklist of Event Planner

The Essence Of Event Management


Finding Creative Inspiration

One of the most attractive features of an event is the presentation; it highlights the involvement of the hosts with the cause even as well as his artistic taste. For example the theme colour of the event. One can browse thousands of ideas to find original creative inspiration for the events in question.

Keeping Notes and Planning Materials Organised

When it comes to staying organised, there is an immediate exigency of a written record of the happenings. It is required to keep all the important “stuff” in one convenient place, be it images, text, and note—even entire web pages.

Communicating With Team Members

Having to lead a large team as well as various outside vendors at the same time can be tricky. An app that makes communication more efficient by replacing long-winded emails with short, “chat room”-like texts can be used. It will also allow to create separate groups and add tags to messages to find info more easily.

Collecting Event Images

Everybody wants to keep track of the entire event production, including all images from vendors and different team members? After the event, chasing everyone down for their photos is a real pain! There needs to be given appropriate responsibilities to professional photographers to keep every moment of the event captured.

Scheduling Meetings

An event is the outcome of the active collaboration of the entire team, so everyone involved with the event needs to attend a group meeting. Coordinating a date and time that works for everyone is no easy feat, so there needs to be a disciplined approach to propose different agendas for the meetings and get poll-like responses from each attendee.

Managing Every Aspect of the Event

Having event data scattered across different apps, emails, and computer files can significantly impair the success of the event. Having a central workspace gets it more accessible to stay on top of things. Planning Pod is specially designed for event planners and offers over two dozen event-management tools.

Keeping Attendees in the Loop

The guests need to be informed about every detail of the event processes, so a tool that gives the most critical parts of the event to them is recommended. An event management tool can be designed to allow the guests to follow event progress in stages to help the guests keep track of event happenings, time and venues.

Managing Invites, Registration, and Ticketing

If the event requires registration or ticketing, the tool above can allow you to create a process, and ticket types, build an event website and send out the invitations—all within one application. The device can also help your clients stay on top of what people are saying on social media about the event. On the day of the event, the tool can send push notifications to attendees about any delays or program changes.

Here is the hierarchy of members involved:

Hierarchy of Members Involved


As you explore how to get away with all the overheads of event management I want to suggest a one-stop solution that will take care of everything making your work no less than perfect.

Remember the tool I mentioned earlier. Well, it was one in million ideas that keep hitting my head to create something that would make event management an extremely easy and hassle-free process.

So, having summed up the essentialities of event management, let go through some of the features of the app that lets you address all of the above mentioned issues.


Marketing Automation Integration

Today for most organisations, nearly one-third of the marketing spend is on events. No wonder, they form a vast portfolio of your client base. Accurately tracking the return on their spend is critical. By integrating event management and marketing automation systems, the data generated before, during, and after the event, can be employed to enhance the lead-to-revenue cycle while bettering the power and effectiveness of the event itself.

Here is a snapshot of salesforce marketing automation:

Salesforce Marketing Automation


Lead Intelligence

Your event management technology should be equipped to capture profile, engagement, and interest data, captured throughout the lifetime of an event and integrated with data from marketing automation practices. Combined, this data can be used to generate a rich and accurate picture of each lead and its unique needs.


An event management platform should allow for both self-scheduled and automated “matched” appointments. These features will significantly enhance the overall experience at your event by engaging volunteers, powering connections, and accelerating business.

AppointmentsPersonalised “Event Views” for Guests

The event platform should allow attendees to obtain a view of the event, on their terms. In other words, a primary resource especially curated to adjust with their profile and event objects, with access to the agenda, 1-to-1 meetings, travel data, and other relevant information.

Cloud-Based Functionality

To make sure one can access relevant information wherever one is, search for a cloud-based event management solution. Cloud-Based apps store the information on the internet rather than on a specific device, one doesn’t need to connect to any hardware to get access to the software; one can simply connect with internet. Salesforce is the place where you can get this.


Cloud Based Functionality


Many of the advantages of cloud-based technology are clear, but let’s go through a few key benefits to focus on how important this feature is in your event management app:

  1. Multi-user capabilities

    Since the software isn’t restricted to any one computer, it’s much simpler for multiple users to get access to the event management app. Event management isn’t a one-person job, so the app shouldn’t be a one-person hack!

  2. Easy event-day access

    When your event day comes, you’ll nearly inevitably be running around the venue, checking in guests, and putting up with your team’s various capacities. If you’re able to have your app on hand on your mobile device, you won’t lose track of tasks along the way!

  3. Infinite growth Scope

    Cloud technology is measurable, so your team can quickly increase storage capacity when required. And since the cloud offers unlimited availability, you can keep expanding as much as you need without having to pay for additional hardware or storage memory.

Having swift access to the event data isn’t just a preference; it’s an indispensable asset! A cloud-based app will work with you at all places to ensure you can have the job completed while at your desk or on the go.


Flexible Guest Management Tools

Your guests are at the core of your event. Regardless of what other tasks you put your time in, your event management process must boil down to one thing: creating an event that the guests will love attending.

To make that a success, create an app that can help you prioritise attendee interaction and expand guest participation. Here is a snapshot from a guest management app:

Guest Management App


For just a few instances of where your event app can have a role in guest management, start with these essential features:

    1. Guest schedules and objectives

      If you’re thinking about multi-day or multi-session events (think: conferences or training courses), you must find an event management app that lets your guests prepare their schedules and sign up for only the settings they plan to visit or all events in a series at once.

    2. Table and Seating

      You can employ your event management app to map out seat charts and table patterns in a spontaneous, hassle-free way. Keep track of groups, seating choices, and designated VIPs to make sure that all guests are correctly seated, without the stress of doing it all yourself.

    3. RSVP Management

      Your client should have no issue using your event management app to file all the RSVPs or bookings received for the event. The app should Instantly file the guests’ data within the database so it can be referenced for future events. The app should enable the guests to build out their event agenda.

      Keeping the guests happy now will guarantee they continue coming back to future events and supporting the client’s organisation in other ways, so you should take any measures you can choose to improve their experience.

    4. Custom Registrations Options

      No two events are created equal, which implies the registration options should reflect the event specifically. Before we dive into registration customisation, let’s have a look at different types of events you may require custom registration for:

      • Multi-day activities, such as conferences
      • Event series, like courses or classes
      • Single-day events, such as a fundraising
      • Multi-track events, with multiple opportunities

With each type of event, your guests would need specialised registration choices that will enable them to choose exactly what they need and provide your organisation with the details you need.

But what will your registration options seem like? Let’s get you over a few examples of what the forms might include:

      • Custom ticket levels, including VIP, general testimony, or particular offers
      • Group or individual registration
      • Seating preferences
      • Additional purchases or donations
      • Meal preferences or dietary restrictions
      • A preferred method of contact

When the guests receive the highest flexibility in registration, you set them up to better enjoy the event. Thanks to the event management app, there doesn’t have to be any estimates discovering what the guests want. Happy guests and a stress-free planning team equal your victory!

Event Website

Among your website, email newsletters, and social media profiles, your client will likely have event data spread over some different marketing channels.

While you certainly want to take a multi-channel promotional way, there’s also a benefit to generating one central hub for all the event data, so the guests can more quickly locate exact event details. They’re all accumulated on one easy-to-navigate site, and they’ll also be more prone to share your event with friends while they can address all aspects through one simple link. This can be achieved by giving your clients an option to get a website developed for their event.

Apart from being the go-to event resource, the microsite can serve other purposes too, including:

Selling tickets

Clarify the ticket-buying process by providing a user-friendly registration form on your microsite. Make sure to prominently display this page in your site navigation and on the homepage.

Displaying commodities

Clients can set up their eStore and enable guests and other supporters to browse and purchase items straight from your event site.

Acknowledging sponsors

Dedicate a page to appreciating those individuals and businesses who have generously supported the event!

Your event management app can help you create this page to meet your needs, without having to go through a third-party web designer. See what customisation options your app enables to ensure you can brand your page appropriately.


For some organizations, events are a major part of their operations. But just because they’re important doesn’t mean they have to be a hassle! And you as their event planner have the complete responsibility to have them realise this.

Streamline all the aspects of the event management by finding a platform with all of these key features, plus any other specific needs that clients generally have. Find your developers today!

Picture of Aamir Qutub
Aamir Qutub
Aamir Qutub is the founder and CEO of Enterprise Monkey, has a sincere passion for innovation and startups. With an experience of around a decade, he is a proud co-founder of 4 technology startups, focusing on real-world problems and their solutions. He also loves to cook and spend time with his onlyborn.
Picture of Aamir Qutub
Aamir Qutub
Aamir Qutub is the founder and CEO of Enterprise Monkey, has a sincere passion for innovation and startups. With an experience of around a decade, he is a proud co-founder of 4 technology startups, focusing on real-world problems and their solutions. He also loves to cook and spend time with his onlyborn.

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